Live Links and a Bit More

Hi all,

Well, following a few days of re-formatting for both Kindle and Smashwords, I am able to offer the links to CRYSTAL BALL PERSUASION.

I was not actually going to release an eBook, but indicators say I must. And I do listen to the universe, that’s for sure.

Here is the link for Amazon Kindle where I was able to price it at 4.99 usd without taking a beating!

Here is the link for the Print copy.

And HERE BELOW is a segment of the book to entice you 🙂

Jules shivered, despite the high temperature, with a mix of anticipation and anxiousness as she witnessed the many steps Mia was slowly and deliberately processing. Mia had her hold the notebook so that they could say the final part in unison.


‘Recite: “Before this night is over, whatever you have done to others will surely come to circle you.” (Now name the exact ailment to be suffered three times, and place a bay leaf for protection under the bare feet of all who are witness to the curse.)’


They lay back on the sand, legs bent, stargazing and alone with their private thoughts. The bay leaf was securely underfoot.

“Thanks for this Mia. Thank you for letting me into your world.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for letting me into yours too.”

Mia sat up suddenly, turning to Jules. “I forgot to mention something.”


“You didn’t by chance envision something worse happening to Anna during the curse did you?”

“I may have. You’re scaring me now. What are you saying?”

“Just that I assumed you knew that you had to keep your thoughts only on the cramps. Did you?”

Jules, thinking that she was being teased again about her innocence, laughed heartily. “No, not really. I pictured them both in Conrad’s car, hitting a telephone pole. The airbags popped and they ended up with broken noses and black eyes,” she went into hysterical laughter at the visual and Mia’s attempt to fool her.

Mia wasn’t laughing. “Okay. Good. I thought you may have pictured killing them. That would be really, really bad, because it would happen. The crash will happen too, but it’s not that terrible.”

Jules sobered instantly upon hearing her serious tone, “Good heavens.”


And this my friends is why I had a blast for the most part, writing this book! The photo is a hint about their exact location.



Lesley Fletcher is a writer (freelance, books, content, lyrics,stage plays) as well as a visual artist specializing in monoprinting. To learn more about her please visit her website at and to view more of her books and covers for friends here is her Amazon Author Page.

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