~ Love Butter ~ Charm of an Irish Gypsy

This is the charm …
“A charm for love,
Like the cow following her young,
Like the kinship of magpies,
Like the first breath and loving eye,
May he follow me like the saint followed god”
I follow a blog of an Irish Gypsy. It is full of the mystic long associated with the ‘Irish Traveller’ as they are sometimes called or ‘Pavee(s). From a step by step guide on how to read Tea Leaves to charms of Love and Romance. It is an entertaining and useful Blog that can be found here. I want to thank the Barefoot Pavee for allowing me to share the recipe today!
Love Toast
1/2 pound of unsalted butter
1/2 cup of local honey
fresh lavender
Soften the butter in a bowl with a wooden spoon
Add lavender (for romance), or hawethorn blossoms (for true lasting love 🙂 )
Pour in honey and continue mixing until it’s well blended.
*Then spread it on your desired one’s toast*
Remember to recite Mary’s Charm and Smile!

Lesley Fletcher is a writer (freelance, books, content, lyrics,stage plays) as well as a visual artist specializing in monoprinting. To learn more about her please visit the tabs here on WordPress or her website athttp://www.LesleyFletcher.com

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