Crystal Ball Persuasion – a work in Progress

My Novel completion date has been pushed back a few months but that hasn’t stopped me from having a little cover fun. Thanks to all who contributed to the final choice.

Inspiration Import

I have been working tirelessly on my newest book – Crystal Ball Persuasion. It has been both a challenge and an experience. As many people do, I have a tendency toward wanting the end result before the work has been completed. All of my jobs have supplied that to me. All except novel writing. So I have to push the date of release back a few months, but feel confident it will be published mid-2016.

While I have produced five other books to date, all of which have included multiple art pieces, they did not quite prepare me for the long, dedicated process needed to write a complete novel. Writing ‘short’ allows for short stories, poems, anecdotes, song lyrics, articles, and yes, blog posts. I continue to write these to get that much needed satisfaction of completion and to give me a break from my work in progress.


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