I’m an Air-Conditioned Gypsy


The only sort of air-conditioning this gypsy really needs comes from the sea. It provides oxygen, food, infinite beauty and endless entertainment. My time ‘on the road’, though short, was highlighted by the sea.  So much so that my skin improved, my circulation, energy and calm. My creativity was awakened along with (and this is the single most important point) – My Soul. My soul was fed without effort. I owned it and the residual effect is that I still own it, years later. The sea gave me my soul back. And for that I am so grateful.  I spoke to it and it to me. I have now grown accustomed once again to traditional air-conditioning but can attest the ocean far surpassess the heat-pump. 🙂

The psychology of the Ocean: Blue Mind, a mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment. It is inspired by water and elements associated with water, from the color blue to the words we use to describe the sensations associated with immersion.

The article that I extracted this from (Why our Brains Love the Ocean) can be found by clicking this LINK to Salon Article – It is fairly extensive so you may need a little time. I find it fascinating “In recent years, the notion of “mindfulness” has edged closer and closer to the mainstream. What was once thought of as a fringe quest for Eastern vacancy has now been recognized as having widespread benefits.”

Much of 5 Pillars of the Gypsy was written with the seas in mind or close by and similarly my new novel (still in the works!) has embraced the sea’s powers with several scenes taking place on the water’s edge. There is no doubt like many others water, wind, salt and sand play a major role in my psyche, never failing to inspire new ideas or dredge up wonderful memories.


So? What are you all waiting for – get mobile and taste the ocean’s air-conditioning elements at the same time as the salt air and fresh fish and seafood. I hope you will find your gypsy soul along the way. Many have and will continue to do so far into the future, provided we as a planet take care of our waters (of course).


Going Mobile by the Who



June 8 is World Oceans Day 

Thanks to Margot Kinberg blogger extraordinaire and crime writer for the idea of using lyrics/songs as my inspiration for many projects these days.


Lesley Fletcher is a writer (freelance, books, content, lyrics,stage plays) as well as a visual artist specializing in monoprints. To learn more about her please visit the tabs  on Inspiration Import (blog) athttp://InspirationImport.Wordpress.com or her website at http://www.LesleyFletcher.com
This blog is an accompaniment to her book 5 PILLARS OF THE GYPSY and a starting ground for her next book, Crystal Ball Persuasion (a novel).

5 Pillars of the Gypsy is widely available ( Amazon.com, .ca, .uk)  in e-book format for less than $2.00 USD. Amazon now provides a wonderful FREE Kindle reading app for your computer, phone or tablet. Please click on the title to be directed to Amazon. If you read and like 5 PILLARS OF THE GYPSY consider leaving a quick review – much appreciated! Thanks.


2 thoughts on “I’m an Air-Conditioned Gypsy

  1. First, I love this song! And you’re so right about the ocean. There’s just something about the sea that calms, heals and cools. I think it must be written in our DNA code or something. At any rate, I really like your perspective here.

    Liked by 1 person

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