Gypsy Soul ~ Lonely vs. Aloneness

A person possessing a gypsy soul is at peace with herself (I am using the feminine but it can of course be a male gypsy soul also). By at peace I mean to say that she has a strong sense of self, holds her beliefs with conviction, has an enviable self-esteem. Because of this those…

I commented on this post by the Gyspy Pirate: This is a great post – thanks for sharing some positive stories and stinging truths. From what I have learned lately there is still a long way to go as holding onto a rich culture is as important as making progress. +++++++ The worldwide impression of…

Elvis was a Gypsy or Not

Elvis’s mother Gladys came from the Romani Smiths and the German Presslers, when the Roma first entered America, in fear of persecution they called themselves the Black Dutch.  When I read this morning that Elvis was a Gypsy, suddenly his love for dance, his charm, colouring, originality … suddenly so many things fell in to…